Pastor Strobel grew up as a Roman Catholic. He was baptized as a baby, attended 8 years of Catholic grade school, and two years of Catholic High school before finishing in public high school. Early in grade school he became an altar boy. He also participated in the Catholic communion, confession, and confirmation.
In his late teen-age years he came under great conviction of sin, was disillusioned with the world, and more than anything wanted to know that he was going to heaven when he died. He set up a meeting with his priest and asked him, "How can I know I'm going to heaven when I die?" The priest said, "Nobody really knows for sure." Frustrated, he was left to try to figure it out on his own. He thought if he were to give his whole life to God, surely God would not deny him entry into heaven. The only way he knew how to give his life to God was to become a priest. After thinking long and deeply about this, he decided if that's what it takes, he would do it, because no matter how good things might get in life, if he missed out on heaven he would miss it all.
He visited a high school seminary and two college seminaries, spending a night at each one. In both cases he saw that the seminary students were just as lost as he was. The priests there were no help either.
Prior to this a friend of his had gotten saved and tried to witness to him. The friend told him that he should talk to his pastor. As an entrenched Roman Catholic, and believing he was in the one true church, he blew it off. However, after finding no help from his priest and the seminaries, he decided to talk to his friend's pastor. After a Friday night youth meeting, he spoke with the pastor in the back of a little country church. The pastor showed him from the Bible how he could know he was going to heaven. The pastor answered all of his questions with Scripture. And on April 25, 1980 he bowed his head and put his faith completely in the Lord Jesus Christ as his only hope for heaven. For the first time in his life, he knew he was saved and on his way to heaven.
He then began to attend that church faithfully and grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. He also began to serve the Lord in whatever capacity he could, from helping the pastor with the building and grounds, to passing out tracts, and helping in Vacation Bible School. After all these many years, Pastor Strobel still testifies and believes, "It's good to be saved!"